Grow Stuff (61 Near Nature Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Seeds (example: pumpkin
    seeds, bottle gourd seeds, spinach seeds, tomato seeds, etc.)
  2. Potting soil
  3. Large container
  4. Water

All the food we eat, especially the veggies and pulses, are grown somewhere. Why not try growing your very own veggies?


  1. Take the help of an adult to fill a large container with soil.
  2. Leaving gaps of equal interval, plant the seeds in the soil. Make sure you do not overcrowd the container.
  3. Place the container in an area where there isn’t any direct sunlight but still a good amount of sunlight throughout the day.
  4. Water it regularly, but do not over- water it. Make sure your seeds get plenty of sunlight, warmth and water throughout the week, and record your observations after a week.


Germination is a slow process, whereby a plant emerges from the seed. Whichever seeds you buy, make sure to ask your local gardener what temperature and humidity level is required for it to germinate. Also, how many days are required for the particular seeds to germinate? While all seeds require moisture, sunlight and warmth to germinate, some require more heat than others. Once your plant begins to grow, monitor its growth and go green with your own food.

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