
The surprised King asked, “How did you know that I belong to a royal family?” The man replied, “Your dress and your bejewelled sword are clear indications of that.” The King replied, “You guessed right. I am King Shoorsen of Magadha Kingdom. I lost my way while hunting a deer. What is your name? What do you do?” The man replied, “I am Gunadhip. I am an orphan. I am looking for a job. I saw you entering the forest. It was a perfect opportunity for me to meet you and to ask you for some work. So, I started following you. This forest is known to me. I will take you out of the forest easily. For now, you can relax. Have some food that I have with me.” The hungry King enjoyed the simple food. Gunadhip said to the King, “Now you take rest while I stand on guard.”

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