“Hands Up, Moses!”

The Israelites set off and Moses climbed the hill as he had promised, with Aaron his brother and Hur, another leader, beside him. Then Moses held up his arms, to urge the Israelites into battle and pray for God’s help. The Israelites were not used to fighting. It gave them fresh courage to see Moses, holding up the stick with which he had done so many wonderful things. Moses’ arms began to ache and he had to let them fall to his sides every now and then. But, whenever he did so, the Israelites faltered and began to lose the fight. As soon he lifted up his arms again, they grew strong and drove the Amalekites back. Hour after hour passed and Moses’ arms grew more and more tired, but Aaron and Hur had a good idea. They fetched a comfortably shaped stone for Moses to sit on. Then, one either side, they propped up Moses’ arms until sunset. So the Israelites were able to drive off the Amalekites and stop them from attacking the camp again. Moses thanked God by building an altar there. He knew that it was God who was caring for his people and had given them the help they needed.

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