Makardhwaj was happy to see his father. He asked Hanuman to bless him. Hanuman hugged him and blessed him. Makardhwaj disclosed lots of confidential information about Ram and Lakshman, and also what fate awaited them. Hanuman also found out that both the captives were to be taken away at dawn to goddess Kamada’s temple to be sacrificed to the goddess. Even though Makardhwaj gave Hanuman all the facts he knew and was glad to meet his father yet he was still loyal to Ahiravan. After all, he would not betray his mentor! So, he asked Hanuman to fight against him. Hanuman fought against his son, and defeated him. Soon, Hanuman saw a florist going into the temple. He changed himself into a bee and sat on a garland. The garland reached Ahiravan. He picked it up with both hands and put it around the statue of the goddess in the temple.
Hanuman at the Sacrificial Altar