Blessed with extra-ordinary powers, Hanuman became more mischievous. None dared to punish him. His favourite pastime was to roam around in the forest. Hanuman’s pranks were not limited to animals only. The sages too fell prey to his mischief! He disturbed the meditating sages by pulling their beards and scratching their backs. Sometimes, he made weird noises that frightened the sages. Hanuman used to jump from one tree to another and throw fruits on the passersby. The normally peaceful sages tolerated Hanuman’s restless pranks as much as they could. One day, some sages were performing a holy ritual. Suddenly, Hanuman climbed up a nearby tree and doused the sacrificial fire with coconut water. Unable to take it any more, the sages finally approached Brahma and requested him to punish Hanuman and take away his powers. They said, “O Lord! This monkey child is bothering us a lot. Today he spoilt an important ritual. Please punish him!”
Hanuman Disturbs the Sages