Hanuman Enters Lanka

The city of Lanka was at the peak of its glory, as splendid and prosperous as Amaravati of Indra. It was not possible to go inside during the day, so he decided to go in the evening. He quickly reduced himself to a tiny-sized monkey so that he might explore the place freely first.

The gate was guarded by a fierce she-monster named Lankini who stopped him, asking him why he was trying to get into the city.
Hanuman replied that he wanted to see the city. Lankini gave him a blow, but to her surprise the little monkey retaliated with a blow right back at her. Blood spurted out of Lankini’s mouth. She uttered, “O Monkey! I have recognised you. You are the supreme devotee of Rama. Now Ravana’s destruction is imminent.” Saying these words she breathed her last. With the name of Rama on his lips Hanuman entered the city. He searched for Seeta here, there and everywhere. He saw Ravana sleeping among several women. Mandodari was also there. Hanuman examined all the females to find Seeta. But there was no sign of Seeta.

As soon as he came out of the palace, Hanuman saw another beautiful palace with the name of ‘Hari’. He went there in the guise of a Brahmana. Ravana’s younger brother Vibheeshana came out. Knowing that he was a religious-minded person, Hanuman told him everything. Then, Vibheeshana told him where he would find Mother Seeta. Hanuman then reached the Ashoka Vatika. The trees in the Vatika were laden with all kinds of delicious fruits. He was searching for Seeta when he heard some she-monsters laughing boisterously. Hiding in the branches of a thick tree, he finally saw a lady seated under the tree on a platform looking thin and frail. Seeing her sitting there, lonely and forlorn, with tears streaming down her cheeks, he was sure she must be Rama’s beloved wife, Seeta. But he could not meet her as she sat surrounded by ferocious she-monsters holding all kinds of weapons.

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