Hanuman Finds Seeta

Seeta sat surrounded by ferocious rakshasis holding spears and other weapons in their hands. They were guarding her closely. As he watched dawn broke, Ravana awoke and when he was dressed in all his finery, he came with a large retinue to meet Seeta. She shrank away in fear and disgust, frightened and worried if her Rama would be able to find her and save her from this horror. Ravana was completely infatuated and came to ask Seeta to marry him. He tried to tempt her with all the splendour and wealth he could give her instead of the poverty-stricken life that she had with Rama in the forest. She would rule over all his people. But Seeta’s disgust turned to anger as she held up a single blade of grass as a symbol that marked the distance between herself and Ravana with his evil desires.

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