Lord Brahma’s mild curse turned Hanuman into a calm child. He concentrated more in seeking knowledge. When he was ready for formal education, his parents asked him to approach Surya. They felt that there was no better teacher than Surya, as he was the wisest and the most learned in the universe! A bewildered Hanuman looked up to the sky and asked, “But how can I approach the Sun-god?” Anjana suddenly remembered the curse. She then reminded him how he had sprung up into the sky to swallow the sun when he was a child. As soon as he remembered, Hanuman leapt up high and flew skywards. There, he greeted Surya and said, “O Lord, I am Hanuman, the son of Anjana and Kesari. My parents have advised me to become your student and gain knowledge from you.” Surya was overjoyed to see Hanuman, as he loved him a lot.
Hanuman Goes to Surya to Stud