With the aid of the Brahmastra, Meghnad captured Hanuman. He was then dragged to Ravan’s court. Ravan mocked at the weird appearance of Hanuman and asked him, “O Monkey! Who are you? Why have you destroyed my garden? No one is allowed to even breathe here, without my permission!” Hanuman answered, “O conceited king! You live in an illusion. No one can harm me as long as I am under the shield of Lord Ram. I am Hanuman, a messenger of Lord Ram. Release Mother Sita, if you want to stay alive!” Ravan’s eyes became red with anger, and he ordered Hanuman to be killed. Vibheeshan immediately intervened, saying, “Brother! You are forgetting how to behave with an ambassador. Our custom demands that we honour a messenger. Please set Hanuman free with a warning. If he repeats this act again, then you may inflict a severe punishment on him.”
Hanuman in Ravan’s Court