Hanuman Learns Music

Hanuman asked Narad, “How will I know that I am good in music?” Narad put his Veena on a rock, and sat down on the ground. He said to Hanuman, “Sing a tune.” Hanuman selected that tune which would melt a rock, and began to sing it. The rock melted, and Narad’s Veena floated in the liquid rock. Narad said, “You are the best and now you can stop singing.” But the moment Hanuman stopped singing, the Veena got stuck in the liquid and turned a rock. Narad was shocked to see his stuck Veena. He asked Hanuman to sing the same tune so that the rock might melt again and he could take out his Veena from it. But Hanuman refused and ran into his palace. Narad ran after him. Hanuman said, “I want Narad Muni’s feet to touch every room in this palace. Then, I will release his Veena.” Narad said, “You are already blessed, because you are Lord Ram’s eternal servant.”

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