Hanuman was serving the guests in the Ram Navami celebration. Narad tried to act normally by asking for food. But Hanuman was deeply in thoughts of Lord Ram, after seeing the feet of Krishna. He kept the food aside and paid his humble greetings to Lord Krishna. Hanuman asked, “What mistake have I done that my Lord has to come to me and ask for food?” Lord Krishna said, “How can I be annoyed with you; you are so dear to me! I have come to give you my blessings.” Hanuman said, “But my Lord, this darshan is incomplete until I have also paid my greetings to goddess Rukmani (incarnation of Sita). I will visit Dwaraka to pay my homage to you both.” Krishna invited Hanuman to Dwaraka. Goddess Rukmani asked Krishna how it all went. Krishna said, “I knew Hanuman would surely recognise me.” To this, Narad asked, “O Krishna, why did we go there if you were so sure about it?” Krishna smiled and answered, “I wanted to teach you a lesson, Narad; that’s it!”