Both Hanuman and Arjun understood that the sage was no ordinary sage. They immediately went towards the sage and fell at his feet. Hanuman recognised the sage; he was none other than Ram himself. He understood that Krishna was Ram and Ram was Krishna. Both were the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Krishna revealed his original form and embraced Hanuman. He said, “O Hanuman, do not feel bad. You have not committed any sin. In fact, it is I who will always remain indebted to you. It was because of you that the mission to rescue Sita reached its goal. When we were supposed to cross the bridge, you were the one who carried me on your shoulders. How can I forget that, my dear Hanuman? Today I am much relieved.” Arjun, who was witnessing the entire conversation, felt guilty for his deeds and arrogance. He apologised to Krishna and Hanuman.
Hanuman Meets Krishna