Hanuman Meets Seeta

When all she-monsters left, Hanuman found an opportunity to meet Seeta. But he wondered how he could introduce himself without frightening Seeta. So, he began to talk softly about Rama, telling the story of his life. Then he spoke of Rama’s grief at losing Seeta, his search, how he had met Sugreeva and sent out search parties before he himself came to save her.
He spoke of how he had come as a messenger from Rama. Seeta’s joy knew no bounds as she heard the sweet voice, and looking around saw a tiny monkey in the tree.

For a moment she wondered if this was one of Ravana’s illusions, but the monkey sang the praises of Rama, which Ravana would never do. Then Hanuman climbed down and bowing to Seeta said, “Mother, I am Hanuman, messenger from Lord Rama, and minister to Sugreeva.”
Seeta tested Hanuman in every way. She asked him about Rama and Lakshmana. Hanuman assured her with every answer. Seeta was now fully satisfied.
Then Seeta said, “My soul is satisfied after listening to Rama’s praise by you. By now, living among the demon-king Ravana and the demons in Lanka my heart has become as hard as a stone. But today, I am again hopeful having heard of the well-being of Rama and Lakshamna from your lips.” Hanuman offered her Rama’s ring as proof and told her that Rama would come with the huge monkey-army to rescue her from the evil-minded Ravana.

Seeta was happily hearing all that Hanuman told her. But she wondered how that tiny monkey could have crossed over the ocean. Hanuman showed her his capacity to increase or reduce his size as he willed. He offered to carry her back. But Seeta refused politely saying that she wanted Rama to defeat Ravana and his demon-army so that his glory might spread across the world.

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