While searching for Ram’s ring, Hanuman reached the netherworld or Patal. There, Hanuman was greeted by the king of snakes. The king of snakes knew the secret of life and death. He asked Hanuman what he was looking for. Hanuman replied, “I am Hanuman and I am looking for my Lord Ram’s ring.” The king of snakes said, “Come with me; I will give you the ring.” He took Hanuman to a room full of Ram’s rings, and asked him to take any one. Hanuman was surprised and asked him how there could be so many rings. The king of snakes told him about the trick Ram had played and how important it was for Ram to return to his abode. The king of snakes further explained that Ram, being an incarnation of Vishnu, was sent for a purpose on Earth. Since peace was established and the mighty demon Ravan was killed, the suitable time had arrived when Ram should return. Hanuman understood everything and happily let Ram return to Vaikunth.