Yayati felt relieved when he was assured of Hanuman’s help. By then, Hanuman too arrived at the ashram. Yayati bowed before him and said, “My Lord! I am Yayati, the king of Kasi. I too am a devotee of Lord Ram. There is nobody other than you, who can save me from the danger that awaits me.” Hanuman assured the king, “Do not worry. If my mother has given you her word, then it is my responsibility to carry out her promise. You will be protected from whatever danger you are in.” Anjana and Hanuman had no idea about the nature of the danger Yayati was in. She told Yayati that now he was assured of Hanuman’s help, he should tell them what exactly was threatening his life. Yayati feared to give them the details of the whole incident. He was not sure how to tell them about it.