Three generations down King Bharata, there was an illustrious king named Hasti, who built Hastinapur. Six generations down King Hasti, there was King Kuru. The Kuru dynasty was named after him. Six generations down Kuru, King Shantanu ascended to the throne of Hastinapur.
One day, when King Shantanu was hunting, he saw a beautiful lady beside river Ganga. He fell in love, and introducing himself, told her that he wished to marry her. She was Ganga, the river goddess. She said that she would marry him on condition that he would not question anything she did or stop her from doing it.
King Shantanu promised and they were married. They were very happy for some time and a son was born to them. Then Shantanu saw a strange thing. Ganga took the infant and drowned him in the river. The shocked king was silent remembering his promise. But he was struck with horror and misery when the same thing happened to their six more sons. When she went out to drown the eighth boy in similar fashion, he protested.
The moment Shantanu broke his promise and stopped Ganga, she told him that she would have to return to the river. Then he asked her the reason for her actions. Then Ganga told him about the incident when the eight Vasus went with their families to the forest.

They enraged the great sage Vasishtha by stealing his pet cow, Nandini, from his ashrama. The sage cursed the eight Vasus to be born as human beings, but the one who stole Nandini would have to live in the mortal world for a long time.As soon as they were born, she must drown them in the river, thus freeing them from the curse. Ganga had sent seven of them to their abode. Regarding the eighth child, she observed, “O King! I shall have to return as you have broken your promise. I am carrying this child with me. At an opportune time, I will return it to you.” Saying so she disapeared with the child.