Hatim Frees His Fellow men

The chief informed Hatim that the King was suffering from an unknown pain. He also told Hatim that his fellow men were brought in, but as none of them were successful in helping the king, they were now kept as prisoners. The chief informed the King that Hatim could cure him. The King told Hatim that he was suffering from an unknown stomach-ache. Hatim said, “I will cure you but you must promise to free all my fellow men in return.” The King agreed. Hatim studied what and how the King ate for a few days; he then advised the King to eat alone. He said, “When you eat in public, in front of a hungry crowd someone’s evil eyes fall on your food and turn it into poison.” The King followed Hatim’s advice for a few days and did not suffer from any pain. He was cured. He ordered the release of all human beings as promised.

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