Hatim Gets What He Wants

Hatim was not the one to back off. He maintained good relations with the king of Katan who thought Hatim was a merchant. Hatim visited his court daily, discussed political as well as spiritual matters with him. One day the king asked Hatim, “Tell me who you are. You are not a merchant, for your wisdom is beyond an ordinary man!” “I am Hatim, prince of Yemen and servant of our Lord.” “Great Prince, I know about you and it’s a pleasure to meet you! Tell me what I can do for you.” the king exclaimed. “Grant me the permission to visit the Bath of Badgard,” Hatim said with a smile. “Dear friend, no one returns from there. How can I send you to your death?” the king asked. “Do not worry; my Lord will save me!” Hatim replied. With a heavy heart, the king ordered his officers to make Hatim’s passport to visit the Bath and by signing it, he gave him the permission to go ahead.

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