Hatim Recounts His Tale of Horror

Hatim’s tales of chivalry had reached Zarinpash before him. She welcomed him to her palace and asked about his adventures. Hatim said, “I have destroyed your father’s evil establishment; however, it was not an easy task. When I first tried to climb up the tree to save you, it shook so vigorously that I fell down immediately! The second time it swallowed me and it was Khwaja Khizr who rescued me. He gave me the protective chant with the help of which I could destroy evil. When all the soldiers turned into rocks after drinking the enchanted water, I could once again bring them back to life. I could face fire, boiling water and evil because I was determined to rescue you. To see you once again, was my only motivation. Will you marry me? I am enamoured of your charm!” Zarinpash who too had started liking her rescuer, agreed to his proposal.

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