Hatim Tai in the Deserts of Hawaida

In the deserts of Hawaida, Hatim Tai searched for the man for whom he had travelled so far away from his home. One day, he heard the voice, “What I once saw, I long for a second time.” Hatim walked in the direction of the sound and saw an old man. He approached the old man and asked him, “Sir, can you please tell me the meaning of the words you repeat so often?” The old man replied, “Once upon a time, I arrived at the edge of a lake. There were beautiful nymphs, good music and good food everywhere. I fell in love with a nymph. As soon as I held her hand, I was thrown into this desert. That beautiful scene that I once saw, I long to see it the second time, so that I may get out of this dry desert.” Hatim knew he had solved the first puzzle.

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