Heavy Drops (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l Small glass, such as a juice glass
l Vegetable oil
l Ice cube


  1. Full a small glass with vegetable oil.
  2. Place an ice cube in the glass, and you will see that the ice floats near the top. Observe your experiment for several minutes. As the ice melts, water droplets sink to the bottom. Do you know why this happens?

This Is What Happens:
As you know that water and oil don’t mix, and that since water is heavier, it will remain underneath the oil. So, since ice and water are made from the same matter, why did the ice float on top of the oil in this experiment? Well, even though ice and water are made of the same matter, each behaves in a different way. As water freezes, it expands and takes up more room. This makes it less dense and it flats in the oil. But once the ice has melted, the water is heavier than the oil and it falls to the bottom.

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