Help Others in Difficulty

Jenny was embarrassed to find a puddle between her feet, so her uniform got wet one afternoon at school. She put her head down and prayed, “Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now!” When she looked up, she saw her teacher walking towards her. Just then, her friend, Sally who was carrying a goldfish bowl filled with water, tripped. She dumped the water on Jenny’s lap. Jenny pretended to be angry, but she kept whispering, “Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!” The teacher gave her gym shorts to put on while her uniform dried out. After school, as they were waiting for the bus, Jenny whispered to Sally, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” She said, “I wetted my uniform once, too. But my mom taught me that we should always remember how we felt when we were in the same condition and should not tease others for being in it.” Jenny thanked her, heartily.

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