Everyone in the street felt very sorry for Henry. He came early morning to deliver newspapers. He would be whistling along cheerfully on his bicycle, and at each house he threw the newspaper deftly so that it might land near the front door.
But when he came to Mr Fowler’s house, he got off his bicycle, stopped whistling, went up to the door and put the newspaper down. Immediately, the door would open, and Henry would say, “Good morning, Mr Fowler!”
On most days, Mr Fowler did not reply or even smile back at Henry. Sometimes he would be in a temper and there would be a great deal of shouting and waving as Henry stood quietly listening to Mr Fowler’s voice.
Then he would smile back at him and go off down the street on his bicycle, whistling again. This went on day after day. All the neighbours watched Henry and wondered why he never said a word to Mr Fowler when he behaved so badly and was so unfair to him.

One day, Mr Fowler’s neighbour, Mrs Shane, could stand it no longer. She waited early morning in her little garden for Henry and the newspaper. She heard his whistle and then saw him sailing along happily on his bicycle, tossing newspapers into different houses.
As he came to Mrs Shane’s house, he called out, “Good morning, Mrs Shane! You’re bright and early!” He got down and gave her the newspaper. She wished him and then, as he was getting back on his bicycle, she asked, “Henry, may I ask you a question?”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Henry politely.
“Every morning, I have seen you cheerfully delivering newspapers to all our homes. And I always see you cheerful, whistling a song! Why is it that Mr Fowler gets so angry with you? He says so many nasty things and you never reply to anything he says! Why don’t you at least defend yourself?” Henry said quietly, “It’s like this, Mrs Shane. Mr Fowler is a very lonely and unhappy man, especially since Mrs Fowler died. So, he shares his unhappiness with me. I have been given so much happiness inside me, that I can share it.” Mr Fowler was on the other side of the fence, hearing what Henry said. Henry got a surprise when he put the newspaper down next door.

“Good morning, Henry!” said Mr Fowler.
“Good morning, sir!” replied Henry grinning from ear to ear. “It’s a really lovely morning, Mr Fowler!” he said as he rode off, happily whistling again.
Moral: Share the goodness inside you.