Once, there was a little boy named Henry. Everyone thought Henry was a rather despicable kid. Even his friends thought so, as he used to taunt and tease them and play horrid pranks on them. Only he found these things funny! Whenever anyone tried to complain about him, Henry would run to his parents. They loved him dearly and refused to hear a word anyone said about his bad behaviour! One particular day, Henry decided that he badly wanted a brand-new race car. But his parents had bought one for him just day before, and refused to buy him more, even when he whined and screamed. Henry was suddenly struck with a grand idea! His classmate, Alice, had just received money from her parents to buy candies. He decided to play a nasty trick on her. He wrote a letter to her pretending to be her old friend, telling her to meet him in the nearby woods with her money. Henry waited in the woods with his friends. And once Alice came, they all jumped out, grabbed her money and ran, leaving her in the woods on her own! With the money he stole, Henry bought the race car he wanted so much. He then happily went into the woods to play by himself. Before he knew it, it turned dark. He wandered deep into the dark woods, and while playing, accidentally dropped the car into a pit!

As he reached there to get the car, a dark shadow from inside the pit grabbed his arm! Henry tried to break free, but the shadow laughed at him as his arm began to burn. He looked up to call for help, and saw the shadows around him form shapes, cackling and whispering strange words to him as they wrapped their talon-like arms around him! Henry fell to the ground, overcome with pain and terror, until he heard a familiar voice. It was Alice! The shadows around him immediately shrank and fell away, and Henry fell to his knees, apologising to Alice for playing such a horrible prank on her. Of course, when he returned, none of the other children believed his tale! In fact, they found it so ridiculous that they laughed at him. But Henry had already decided that he would never play nasty pranks.