

Flight 356 was half an hour away from Kathmandu. A man wearing a hooded sweatshirt got up, looked around stealthily and walked towards the front of the aircraft. Within moments, he turned around, holding up a revolver in one hand! He barged into the cockpit and forced the pilots to change their direction. The plane was being hijacked! At the same time, another man at the back of the aircraft got up. He too had a gun, and shouted, “If anyone moves, he will be killed!” Serena quickly grabbed her bag from near her feet and took out a can of pepper spray. As soon as the hijacker was near her, she sprayed right into his eyes! Immediately, the other passengers tied him up. Hearing the commotion, the first hijacker came back from the cockpit. This time, the people were prepared. They jumped on him and tied him up, while the pilot once more flew the plane back on course.

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