Hindu-Muslim divide

In 1922, Keshavarao was appointed as the minister of Provincial Congress. Working on that post he realised that there was utter lack of discipline among the party workers. He wished to set up a separate group of disciplined workers within Congress.
He wanted to enrol fiercely patriotic and dedicated youth in it who were proud of Hindu mythological heritage.
His move did not find favour with other leaders.
Then, the Congress party was packed with the leaders of the reformist movement who were of the opinion that Hinduism had become just a cesspool of social evils, casteism, untouchability and blind faiths.
Those leaders saw in Keshava’s attempt a disguised plot to resurrect the social evils. Their fierce opposition put paid to Keshava’s plans.
Meanwhile another controversy was raging within Congress. The participation of the local politicians in Provincial Councils had been opened up. The mainstream Congress leadership was against any participation in ruling the country in partnership with the British.
Some sections were in favour of the participation. No common agreement was being arrived at.
Keshavarao was against Khilafat and non-coperation movements from the very beginning. His main worry was that the youth of the country was moving away from the Indian culture and values. Western thinking was attracting the imagination of the young generation who was looking down on its own roots. A lot of organisations were coming up related to young people.
But there was no one to provide the right guidance based on the Indian culture and the social values to them. This situation greatly pained Keshava.
During Ganesha festivals he used to tell the youth that there was imperative need to bring a change in their attitude and the line of thinking.
Keshavarao was coming around to the idea of founding an organisation of the young people who could serve the nation and society staying clear of direct involvement in active politics and elections. Such an organisation was proposed to propagate the Indian culture.
Most of the people thought that it was a wishful thinking. But Keshavarao was dead serious about it and he was a determined man.

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