Holger is a great Danish hero, formidable in height and size! It was said that when he wished for new clothes, twelve tailors were summoned. They needed stools and ladders to climb up and measure him as, he was so tall! One of the tailors snipped his ear by mistake and Holger, thinking it was an insect, swatted it, killing the poor tailor! It is said that the hero still sleeps under the castle of Cronberg. A slave, who was punished to die, was given a pardon to go down and find out who lived below the castle. The frightened slave found twelve huge knights in armour seated around a table, all asleep. Holger, at the head of the table, awoke and reached out a hand to shake the slave’s hand. Terrified of the huge hand, the slave put a thick iron rod into it and the rod still carries the mark of Holger’s hand!
Holger Danske