Honoured with Bharat Ratna

Whole country was anxiously waiting for his arrival. He had made India proud in whole world, established friendly relations with many countries, so the whole India was thankful to him. He had proved that, he is the true son of her motherland. Hence when Jawaharlal returned, the first thing which was done by the President Dr. Rajendera Prasad was to honour him with Bharat Ratna.
Arrival of Soviet prime minister to India
On 18th November 1955, the Soviet Prime Minister Bulganin along with Khrushchev arrived in India. Thousands of people were standing along roadside from Palam Airport to Rashtrapati Bhawan and shouting the slogan—“Hindi-Rusi Bhai Bhai”. They received cordial welcome everywhere and somewhere with pouring flowers. Seeing such a grand reception, the Russian Prime Minister had no words to speak. On his visit he went to Agra, Jaipur, Bangalore, Calcutta and everywhere he received the same welcome.
Khrushchev the chief adviser to Russian P.M. was of a enthustic nature. Once during a journey, he said to Nehruji with proud that, the Russian scientists had developed a weapon which can kill lakhs of people at a time. Nehruji was listening to him very peacefully. Khrushchev was eager to know Jawaharlal’s reaction after his words. After sometime in serious mood Nehruji replied—
‘‘Mr. Khrushchev! About 2000 years ago, there was a great warrior named Samrat Ashoka and he ruled our country. He fought many wars and extended his kingdom. His commanders won every war and gave the news about the position that so and so much had died and captured etc. Most of the news he received was of bloodshed. After sometime, on continuously hearing these bloodshed news, he became fed up and had an inclination towards Buddha Religion. On day, his commander gave him news of yet another win. He told that thousands died and we had destroyed the whole kingdom of enemy. Ashoka on hearing this news, loose his cool and atonce with his sword killed him. Then shouted in loud voice—Enough! Enough of this bloodshed and violence. Stop this! Now in whole country there will be peace and only peace.’’

Conferred Bharat Ratna by President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Khrushchev was silently listening to Nehruji. Jawaharlal had explained him such an incident of our history, which even proves true in the present scenario. Actually Nehruji wanted to say that the peace he is talking about, and the persons who are eager for violence and bloodshed will one day wander for this peace and they will not get it. Khrushchev realised on that day, how calm and cool was Jawaharlal and strong towards the peace expedition. When the Russian leaders returned, they became the biggest supporters of Panchsheel. They had extreme devotion for Nehruji and love & respect towards Indian people.

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