Hot And Cold (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l 3 bowls
l Water


  1. Fill 3 bowls with tap water as follows: one with cold water, one with lukewarm water, and one with hot water—but not hot enough to burn. Place the bowls on a table or counter, with the lukewarm water between the other two.
  2. Place one hand in the cold water and one in the hot. Let your hands adjust to the temperature for several minutes. Then take them out and plunge them both into the bowl of lukewarm water. The hand that was resting in the cold water now feels warm and the other hand feels cold. Do you know why?

This Is What Happens:
The hand that was resting in the cold water is now placed in warmer water and some heat from the water is transferred to the skin—the hand feels warm. The opposite happens with the other hand—it is now warmer than the surrounding water and some heat moves into the water. As a result, the hand feels cold.

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