How do Frogs Breathe?

Breathing is the process of taking in oxygen from surrounding and giving out carbon dioxide. The breathing process is different in different animals like in reptiles, mammals, birds, aquatic animals, etc.

Frogs just after birth are called tadpoles. They breathe through gills and skin. It sounds weird but this is a part of incredible Nature. When they grow into land animals they start breathing from the lungs. Whatever the stage of a frog is, all the breathing is regulated by the throat. Tadpoles lose their gills when they become frogs and this is called metamorphosis which is the process of converting from an immature to an adult. Frogs do not open their mouths while breathing. The temperature also affects the frog’s breathing process. There are a few hairy frogs also categorized under frogs and they breathe through lungs. Frogs can also breathe by the skin. This also helps them to stay in the water.

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