How does the Kidney Fail?

The Kidney is one of the most essential parts of the body which filters blood and helps get rid of waste products. This bean-shaped body part also helps balance electrolyte level, controlling the blood pressure and in stimulation of production of red blood cells. It mainly fails because of diabetes, high blood pressure, etc and gives symptoms of tiredness, weakness, appetite loss. It can also lead to diseases like anaemia, heart diseases, renal bone disease. Actually, nephrons are attacked by kidney diseases and so they fail in filtering the waste from blood. Nephrons can also be damaged by poisoning or injury.

Hereditary factors are also responsible. Even the nephrons of a child in womb can also be damaged and the normal functioning of the kidney can be affected. As a result of genetic disorder too, cysts grow in the kidney and replace its mass and, later, affect its functioning too and cause its failure.

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