How is Grafting done?

Grafting is a process in which the tissues or the cells of one plant are fused into the another plant so that they both may be joined together to form vascular joining. This is known as inosculation. One of the plants is chosen for its roots and this is called the stock. The other is chosen for its flowers, stems, fruits and leaves. This is called the scion. The scion has the genes which are desired in the grafting plants. Grafting can be done by a number of methods like budding, cleft, approach, whip, stub, etc. For grafting to take place successfully, the scion and stock vascular tissue must come into contact for sufficient amount of time and the joint needs to be very firm until the whole grafting takes place as the grafted area is quite weak as compared to the other areas on plants. It usually takes a time of a few weeks to perform grafting.

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