How Old is Grandpa?

Grandpa says, “My grandson is about as many days as my son is in weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 100 years. Can you tell me my age in years?”

This problem is conveniently solved by writing down the necessary equations.
Let m be my age in years. If s is my son’s age in years, then my son is 52s weeks old. If g is my grandson’s age in years, then my grandson is 365g days old. Thus,
365g = 52s.
Since my grandson is 12g months old,
12g = m.
Since my grandson, my son and I together are 100 years,
g + s + m = 100.
The above system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns (g, s and m) can be solved as follows:
m / 12 + 365 m / (52 x 12) + m = 100 or
52 m + 365 m + 624 m = 624 x 100 or
m = 624 x 100 / 1041 = 60.
So, I am 60 years old.
Food for thought:
Why is the word “about” used in the Problem Statement in the sentence “My grandson is about as many days as my son is in weeks”? Calculate the son’s age and the grandson’s age. Then, verify whether the first equation (i.e. 365g = 52s) is exactly satisfied.
An elegant solution is possible on realizing the significance of the word “about” in the Problem Statement.
Elegant Solution:
The first equation (365g = 52s) can be approximated by
7g = s.
As before, the other two equations are
12g = m
g + s + m = 100.
The above system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns (g, s and m) can be simply solved as follows:
g + 7g + 12g = 100 or 20g = 100.
m = 12g = 12 x 100 / 20 = 60.
So, Grandpa is 60 years old.

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