How to Catch a Thief


Manu was alone at home. His parents had gone to visit some relatives, but he had stayed home because he had exams the next day. Manu switched off all the lights and secured the doors and the windows. He then went into his room to study. Just an hour later, he heard a noise. A thief was trying to enter the house. Manu quickly called the police, turned off his lights, and hid under the table. Soon, the thief crept into his room. The moonlight glinted on the blade of a knife, and Manu shuddered in fear. He hid under his table. As soon as the thief had his back towards the table, Manu got out from the table. Then, he hit the thief with one of his heavy books. The thief’s knife fell off his hand and he lay. The policemen arrived soon after, and said, “You are the first person to catch a thief using your books!”

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