How to improve your memory

Just imagine a mere 3 pounds brain controlling and coordinating myriad functions of human body. Brain is made up of crores of nerve cells called neurons. These are the channels that collect informations from body’s inside and outside environment, and carry them to brain where they are processed and answered. It is these very nerves that stimulates body muscles into appropriate action following brain’s order.
Try following techniques to mug up what apparent appears hard to memorise, and see for yourself the difference they make. For example, you can easily memorise the name of nine planets, sequentially, with the help of key “Move Maj. Sundip.” This formation is as explained below:
Mo Mercury
V Venus
E Earth
Ma Mars
J Jupiter
S Saturn
U Uranus
Ndi Neptune
P Plato
Similarly you can memorise the seven colours of rainbow in correct order with the key “VIBGYOR” which is formed by the initials of colour names, as illustrated below:
V Violet
I Indigo
B Blue
G Green
Y Yellow
O Orange
R Red
If you must remember a big number like 15819471948; it is hard to imbibe it as 1581 crore 94 lakhs 71 thousand 99 hundred and 48. However it may be simplified as : 15 August 1947, the day of India’s independence, and the year that follows i.e. 1948. Thus you retain a longish number on the basis of a memorable historical date i.e. 15th Aug 1947. Obviously the month August, being 8th calender month, stands for number 8 in the given count.

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