How We Travel

Hundreds of years ago, Man had to walk to go from one place to another.
Later, he used animals to pull carriages and carts.
Then cars and trains were invented.
Today we have many means of transport.
Here are some modern means of transport.
When we have to travel a long distance, we use trains.
Some buses too are used to cover long distances.
Many years ago, the only way to travel very long distances was by ship or horse.
A journey from one country to another took months.
Today we can travel by aeroplane.
Answer the following questions
1 Who pulled man’s carriages and carts?
(a) birds (b) animals (c) farmers (d) carpenters
2 We use trains to travel a long _ (a) distance (b) house (c) sea (d) well
3 How were very long distances covered? (a) by ship (b) by rickshaw (c) by scooter (d) by cycle
4 A journey from one country to another took
(a) weeks (b) days (c) years (d) months
5 Give the plural of ‘bus’.

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