Humiliation of Chanakya

Passing through several kingdoms and holding discussions with rulers and ministers, Chanakya arrived at Patliputra, the great capital city of Magadha empire. It was his city of birth but he had to leave it under tragic circumstances. His father Chanak was against the evil rule of Nanda and used to speak against the tyranny of the ruler, Mahapadmananda. He was caught by the state authorities and charged with treason offence. Later, Chanak was executed that is how Chanakya had to leave Patliputra. Before his execution Chanak had advised his son to go to some better place to grow up rather than waste himself in evil rule of Magadha.
Chanakya was not in a revengeful mood. The changed circumstances demanded of him to make peace with the past and join forces with Nanda for the larger good of the land. Now Magadha was being ruled by the son of Mahapadmananda. Chanakya had learnt that the new ruler Dhanananda was not only a drunkard and womaniser but a boorish character as well, much worse than his father.
At the time of crowning Dhanananda was 40 years old. Sumalyananda was his younger brother. A minister who was jealous of Shaktar wanted to eliminate Dhanananda and put his protege Sumalyananda on the throne. So far he had not succeeded. But the efforts were on. The rivalry between the brothers was becoming a well known reality, no more a secret.
At Patliputra, Chanakya met the chief minister Shaktar who was his old friend and Taxila classmate. Chanakya apprised him of his idea of great empire union and what he had done so far for it. Shaktar too understood the danger of the Greek invasion to the native civilisation.
He advised Chanakya to attend the court next day and reveal his proposal to Dhanananda in his Council of Elders. Chanakya agreed to do that. The next day at appointed hour Chanakya arrived at the court.
The Council of Elders was infact not a body of wise men but a collection of fools and arrogant people. King Dhanananda too appeared swaying on his throne under the influence of alcohol.
Chanakya was not a pretty person to look at. His complexion was dark and his face was pockmarked. Small was his stature and dress was that of a layman. He really looked a comic figure. The ugly sight of him made every one burst out in laughter. It was a royal court and everyone was in one’s finery and at dazzling best. King Dhanananda too could not help laughing at the joker like visitor. So merrily he laughed, Shaktar thought he would spill off the throne.
Chanakya stood still patiently without reacting. May be, he was too shocked to react. He could never expect a royal court to be such boorish and disgraceful.
The courtiers began to whisper and murmur passing uncomplimentary remarks against the visitor. Shaktar rose up and tried to control the damage by introducing the visitor, “May I introduce to the august house the famed guru of Taxila University, Acharya Chanakya. Please come in sir, you are very welcome to this court. And thanks for honouring us with your visit. Do take your seat.”
“Thank you minister.” Chanakya sat on the proferred seat indicated by Shaktar.
“Minister! Who did you say he was?” the king seemed to wake up from his slumber.
“He is Guru Chanakya from Taxila University.”
“Aha guru! These brahmin gurus are always in need of money. You could have doled out the money to him. Why did you bother to call him to the Council of Elders and waste our precious time?”
“My king, he does not want money.”
“Does not want money? That is a great surprise. Infact, a great wonder. So, he wants some posting, ministership? These brahmins are always after something. To me he does not look able enough for a posting. By no means any ministership,” Dhanananda rumbled on.
“He does not want any posting or ministership your Majesty.”
“Great! Does he want my throne?”
Chankya meanwhile sat watching this exchange of the stupid dialogues. He said nothing as his friend Shaktar was already feeling very embarrassed. Chankya did not want to add to his agony. He now understood that the Magadha ruler was a idiotic lout and his court consisted of fools, drunkards, morons, sycophants, impostors and ill advisors. To speak to such assembly about grave matters like alien invasion and its dangers would be useless. So, he sat silent.
Shaktar made another attempt to bring back sanity by approaching the king and whispering to him, “Your Majesty, Chanakya does not wish for any money, posting or a throne or ministership.’’
“So what does this bloody fool want?” thudered the king.
“A serious conversation, my lord.”
“Tell him to do the conversation as fast as he can. We don’t have much time to waste.”
“Chanakya sir,” Shaktar spoke to his guest, “Please tell Our Majesty whatever you have to convey.”
Chanakya asked, “Minister, will honourable king be able to hear and understand what I have to say?”
“He will, honourable sir. You may just spell it.”
“King,” Chanakya addressed to Dhanananda,” I hope you have been informed about Greek Emperor Alexander who comes to our lands on world conquest mission and is already in Vaheek area?”
“What Greek Emperor?” Dhanananda thundered, “Who are you talking about? What is all this about, brahmin?”

“King! Alexander is an alien invader. He comes from a far off country called Greece moving eastwards trampling upon Vaheek region. If he keeps moving on like that soon he will be the lord of entire land of India.”
“What rubbish do you talk, brahmin?’’ Dhanananda spoke arrogantly and abusively. Anyone who wants to conquer this land shall have to contend with the mighty power of Magadha. There is no army in the world that can face our invincible power. How can this freaky emperor of alien world subjugate us?”
“This Greek emperor is a wily character, my king. He is conquering on all kingdoms that fell in his way and added forces of those lands to his invasion force. By the time he reaches Magadha he will have massive force greater that Magadha has. He may win.”
“Foolish brahmin! Don’t count us among small kingdoms. That freak Alakhachander won’t even be able to match us. We are invincible. Let him come and we will make monkey out of him. You don’t know us.”
“Now I know quite well, king. You are a fool, arrogant and power-drunk ruler. You have no promise,” Guru Chanakya had run out of patience and he was spelling out his true feelings without caring for the consequences.
“Shut up!” screamed Dhanananda and barked, ‘‘How do you miserable brahmin call me names and blasphemy? You will get what you have asked for. Soldier! Take this insolent brahmin and sever his head at once!”
Chief minister intervened, “King, this man is our guest and a brahmin. Killing a brahmin is unforgivable sin forbidden by our holy books. Please be considerate.”
“Alright! Throw him out of our court. Drag him away by his skull top lock of hair.”
The guards obeyed the order of the king. Chanakya was dragged away pulled by his sacred pony tail.
The humiliation angered Chanakya. He exploded and thundered, “Power drunk arrogant fool Dhanananda! Open the sacred knot of my sacred hair lock, I do and take a vow that I won’t tie it again until evil dynasty of Nanda is not totally destroyed.”
The vow of Chanakya shocked the Elders of the Council and the members of the court. Most of them had orthodox minds who believed in curses and maledictions.
“The cheek! The blasphemy!!” screamed Dhanananda Then he ordered, “Don’t let this evil mouthed brahmin escape. Grab him and put him in a blind dungeon!”
Chanakya was at once taken prisoner. The guards dragged him away to throw him in a dungeon. Just outside the court a mysterious man riding a horse materialised. He was carrying a sword in his hand. He challenged the guards and ordered them to free Chanakya. When the guards did not obey he charged and beheaded one of them. Others fled in fright. The horse rider pulled Chanakya up onto the horse behind him. Then he spurred his horse and shot away to disappear.
It happened so fast that the gatekeepers outside the court could not understand what had happened. They just stared into the direction the horse had sped away.

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