Husna Bano’s Second Puzzle

Husna Bano heard the whole adventure and the explanation of her puzzle. She was quite impressed and openly expressed her admiration. Hatim Tai said humbly, “It was with the blessing and guidance of the Supreme Creator that I was able to accomplish the given task.” Hatim then requested the princess to tell him about her second question. She said, “I have heard that a certain person has written above his door, ‘Do good and cast it upon the waters.’ I want to know what the meaning of this line is. And where does this writer live? You must find the answers and come as soon as possible.” Secretly, Husna Bano too had started admiring prince Munir, the prince of Kharzim, as he was popularly known. She had no option but to wait for all the seven questions to be answered. Hatim left for his second mission.

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