I like the Sun!

Annabella was a lonely fairy. She was beautiful, noble and gentle. She sang in the softest of voices and every time she sang, the birds, the animals, the plants, the trees and even the wind stopped to hear her song! She was perfect, just for one thing! ‘I will not go out in the sun! It’s so hot. I will be tired and thirsty! No, I don’t like the sun.’ she said to herself. So, she would sit inside the entire day. “Where is everyone? Why doesn’t anyone play with me in the evening?” Every evening she searched for her friends but they would go inside to sleep for the night. One day, Patrick called out, “Annabella, come!” Annabella could not resist. She was bored and wanted friends. That day, she played in the sun. “I love it!” she danced, played, sang and ran. She enjoyed herself thoroughly. “I love the sun! I will play in it from now every day!”

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