
Music is loved always but it was the Apple Inc. who has made it possible to be carried anytime, anywhere by anyone via one of their most useful inventions called as I-pod in the year 2001. In a layman’s word, it can be said as a portable media player. Now, the market is flooded with so many varieties of I-pods like I-pod classic, I-pod touch media, I-pod nano, I-pod shuffle, etc., which really shows its great demand across the globe.

For all this, credit no doubt, goes to Apple but still we cannot forget to thank Kane Kramer, from England, who invented ‘IXI (Digital Audio Player)’ in 1979. After all, it was the initial form of I-pod at the time when such inventions were even beyond imagination.

The advanced I-pod is without doubt, launched by Apple but it was John Rubinstein, an employee there, who deserves the real appreciation for developed I-pods.

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