Ice And Oil (Funky Physics Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Oil (vegetable oil)
  2. Ice-cube tray
  3. Food colour
  4. Transparent glass

We all know that oil and water do not mix. In fact, oil floats above water. But have you ever wondered what happens to oil and ice? Find out with this simple experiment.


  1. Firstly, take an ice-cube tray and put a few drops of food colour into one of the moulds.
  2. Fill the mould with water and give it a slight swirl so that the colour may be properly mixed in the mould.
  3. Keep it in the freezer and let it turn to ice.
  4. Till then, take a clear transparent glass and fill it half way with oil.
  5. Once the water has frozen to ice in the mould, remove it and put it into the glass with oil.


Ice, like water does not mix with oil. In fact, oil is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water, and hence also repels ice. However, where water settles at the bottom of an ice-oil mixture, when ice is put into the oil, it floats at the top. This is because of the density of ice. When water freezes, it takes up more space than when it was liquid, making it less dense than water, and also less dense than oil. As a result, ice floats on the oil, but as it melts, the droplets of coloured water begin to settle at the bottom.

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