Patrick loved ice creams so much that he wished that his parents would take him to eat an ice cream every day! He could eat an ice cream any time of the day. Food was boring but ice cream…well, that was completely different! Such exciting flavours and colours! It made him think about little butterflies flitting about in the forest. But mom and dad insisted on him eating the vegetables, which of course Patrick hated! ‘I just love this little colourful lollipop ice cream! I will just taste it and keep it back,’ Patrick would say to himself and take the ice cream out from the fridge. However, soon it would finish! Every time Patrick would think like this about the ice creams before finishing them. Slowly, he started to gain weight, as well as started feeling sick often with cough and cold. But nothing convinced Patrick to give up eating ice creams. One evening, after having refused to eat dinner, Patrick realised that he was hungry. He obviously did not want the food that mom had left for him on the table! Instead, he took out one ice cream lollipop to eat. Feeling hungry and greedy, he decided to take the entire box of eight ice creams and sat down to eat.

To his surprise, the eight ice creams suddenly joined together to become one huge ice cream with hands, legs and a queer-looking squiggly face with two big eyes and one mouth with sharp teeth. The ice cream monster looked scary with its irregular colourful body. The rainbow-coloured ice cream monster started moving towards Patrick with its arms outstretched. It melted as it came towards him, which made it messier and scarier. “This seems like a good option to eat!” it said, “Oh! How hungry I am, and I certainly don’t like any vegetables! This boy looks delicious!” Patrick had never been more scared in his entire life. He ran! Oh, how he ran to save himself from the ice cream monster, but there was no escaping it. Finally, Patrick went to the sauna and sat in the heated room. The scary ice cream monster followed him to the sauna, but since it was made of ice, it quickly melted. Patrick breathed a sigh of relief and promised to keep away from ice creams from then on.