If I Were Rich

If I were rich, I would travel a lot. I love visiting foreign places and seeing all the different sights. I like meeting people from other countries and I enjoy tasting interesting and exotic food.
Unfortunately, I have not been to many foreign places although Mum and Dad usually take my brother and me somewhere abroad every summer. However, I have seen enough foreign places to want to see more of them.
The trouble is that it costs a lot of money to travel overseas. My brother is travelling in Australia at the moment and he does not have much money. However, he is backpacking and staying in budget hotels and hostels. I do not want to do that.
I want to stay in luxury hotels. I want to eat delicious meals and send for room service when I want something to eat or drink. I want to have a balcony so that I can sit on it and watch wonderful views. I want to sit in the sun by a luxury swimming pool and jump in the pool to cool off when it gets too hot.
I hope that I will be rich one day. Perhaps I will get a very highly-paid job. Perhaps I might win the lottery. However, I cannot earn any money or take part in the lottery until I am an adult. All I can do just now is dream of being rich and read about where I might travel to.
There are so many places I want to see – the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Taj Mahal in India, the Sydney Bridge in Australia—that I cannot possibly name them all. I do hope that I will be rich one day!
Lottery—kind of game

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