In Anandpur Sahib

The convoy at last reached Anandpur Sahib. The journey from Patna to that place had taken one year. Young Guru Gobind had already become famous as a young prodigy. Along the way the family was met by huge crowds who wanted to have a look at young Govind and pay their respects to his divinity. At places religious congregations were held.
The Sikh religious messengers called ‘Masands’ would arrive with gifts for Guru Gobind from various Sikh organisations. At last the family reached where Guru Teg Bahadur was eagerly waiting for them. Anandpur Sahib was set in a very scenic location at the foot of the Shivalik hills. Guru Teg Bahadur himself had founded the township as an exclusive Sikh centre. Seven miles away stood Naina Devi mountain over which is a grand temple by the same name.
Young Gobind touched the feet of his father. The father blessed him. A huge crowd of faithfuls was there to greet the prodigy with loads of gifts for him. The gifts included ornate and decorative weapons of various kinds and horses. Gobind liked the horses most because they were of superior Arabian breeds.
After the excitement of the arrival, reception and bonhomie died down. Guru Teg Bahadur got down to the basics about his son. He had to be properly educated.
In Patna Gobind had learnt ‘Purvi’ language of Patna. Now he learnt Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit and the Pharsi (Persian), the language of the rulers. Guru Gobind grew up into a literary scholar as well who wrote several books. His ‘Zafarnama’ and ‘Hikayatnama’ were in Persian. It proves that he was learning those languages in all seriousness to make use of in his later day literary ventures.
He knew Guruvani by heart. Munshi Sahibchand was appointed to help him study and understand the deep meaning of Guru Granth Sahib. Qazi Peer Mohammad was his Persian teacher.
Guru Gobind received due training in the use of weapons and the horse riding too besides the academic education. The all round education made him a good tactician, political strategist, religious scholar, philosopher, warrior and helped him evolve into a literary creator of the highest order.
It is believed that he wrote Dasham Grantha while at Anandpur Sahib. The book consists of 1428 pages containing 17195 couplets and 16 prominent articles.

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