In Congress

Rajendra Prasad had already influenced by the activities of Congress but yet he did not participate in any Congress meeting. He got a chance to participate in Congress session in 1906. That session was held in Calcutta. First time he heard the speeches of Madan Mohan Malviya, Jinnah and Sorojini Naidu. Till then moderate and militant groups had existed in Congress.
Lokmanya Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Lala Lajpat Rai and Arvind Ghose were the leaders of hardcore group. Whereas Gopal Krishan Gokhale and Ferozshah Mehta were in moderate group.
Dada Bhai Nauroji, called back from London presided the session to sort out the dispute between the two fractions. Rajendra Babu’s was on duty to guard an enclosure. Consequently he heard all the speeches and arguments attentively.
Afterwards another Congress session was held in Calcutta in 1911, and till then Rajendra Babu had become a Congress member. In 1912 Bihar was separated from Bengal, its annual meeting took place in Patna that year.
Rajendra as advocate
After M.A. exams Rajendra Prasad went to his elder brother at Dumraon. After, his father’s death the responsibility of the family was over his shoulders. Financial position of the family was not satisfactory and Rajendra Babu had determined not to serve the Govt. in any manner. But due to financial compulsion he accepted a teaching job in a college. But he could not stuck to the job for a long. Later he was appointed as a English professor in Mujaffarpur College. Here he came in contact with some new faces. But here too he could not engage whole heartedly. Reluctantly he resigned from the post.
After that for studying B.L. again he came back to Calcutta in 1909. He engaged in studies with full concentration. In those days one had to take two exams to become an advocate. He passed first exam easily, but before that he was supposed to serve as an article clerk under some pleader.
For second exam he started training under the guidance of lawyer Samshul Huda. He performed his job well. Samshul Huda impressed by his work. Huda was a person of religious nature and loved Rajendra Prasad as his own son. He ultimately passed his B.L. exam in his proximity.
Being separated from Bengal the high court for Bihar in Patna was to be established. At the same time Rajendra Babu’s intimate friend Vaidnath Naraian Singh advised him to appear for M.L. exam. Rajendra Babu agreed, because after reaching Patna it was not possible.
This exam was considered a difficult one, even then both friends made up their mind to pass M.L. And both passed this exam in 1915. Rajendra Babu stood first and Vaidnath passed it in second division.
Rajendra Babu returned to Patna in 1916. Patna high court had established. After its establishment lawyers of Bengal were also benefitted. They too settled in Patna to do their practice.
Two judges of Calcutta high court also reached Patna, who were acquainted with Rajendra Babu.
In the beginning although he was entrusted cases of less importance but later his advocacy run smoothly.
Patna University Bill
Still, in Bihar, all the educational institutions were affiliated to Calcutta University. Government put up a bill to form Patna University in May 1913. It was decided that university was to be constructed in Phulwari Sharif, a place far away from Patna. Keeping the students difficulties in mind Rajendra Prasad opposed it and wrote letters to Chief Secretary. Congress too opposed it in its Bankipur session in April 1914. Later on whole state opposed this bill strongly.
The result of still opposition was that government passed it after few amendments.
Afterwards the state Governor nominated Rajendra Prasad as a senator keeping in view of his efforts for establishing the university.
In contact of Gandhiji
Congress session was held in Lucknow in 1916. In the meantime moderate and hardcore groups of Congress had united. Gandhiji too had returned from South Africa in 1915. This session was admired of more importance for a pact between Congress and Muslim League.
Babu Rajendra Prasad had become Congress member in 1911. His main aim to participate in this session was to highlight the grievances of Rajkumar Shukla a farmer of Champaran, who was being tortured for producing crop of Indigo. He fought his several cases free of cost. He desired that Congress leaders should raise his voice from Congress platform.
Raj Kumar Shukla was an illiterate farmer. Bihari leaders expected that Gandhiji should raise voice in favour of Indigo farmers, but Gandhiji denied saying that until he himself asses the situation till then he would not comment overthe issue.
Although Gandhiji gained a lot of fame in South Africa, but he had unknown to Rajendra Babu so far.
After the session Gandhiji reached Calcutta. He told Rajkumar Shukla to reach Calcutta. He dictated a letter that he is supposed to meet him in Calcutta session. Calcutta session was held and Rajkumar Shukla too reached there. Rajendra Babu sat beside Gandhiji. After the session Gandhiji went to Jagannath Puri. Rajkumar Shukla was also with him. By chance Rajendra Babu couldn’t accompany Gandhiji. When Rajendra Babu reached Jagannath Puri Gandhiji had left for Patna.

From Patna Gandhiji left for Majaffarpur to meet Acharya Kripalani. Rajendra Babu met Gandhiji on third day after returning from Puri. Brij Kishore Babu was also with him. Gandhiji’s was impressed very much seeing the simplicity, politeness and nobility of these two Bihari lawyers.
In those days Rajendra Babu pleaded the cases of farmers, but he used to charge his fee. Opposing this policy of Bihari pleaders Gandhiji wrote in his autobiography—“Being a recluse Rajendra Babu and Brij Kishore never failed to charge their fee from farmers.’’
Once Gandhiji asked him in this context then he said, “Our house expenditure cann’t be met if we don’t charge the fee and we cann’t even help these people.’’
The problem of Champaran was still going on. Ultimately Gandhiji decided to go to Champaran. But as soon he alighted from the train he was ordered to leave Champaran. But he refused to obey the orders.
A suit was filed in the court. Later on it was withdrawn by the order of Governor General. After that Bihar Governor Sir Edward Gait assured Gandhiji to appoint an inquiry committee to see the diffculties of Indigo farmers.
Gandhiji also became a member of that committee. After investigation the enquiry committee held justified the complaints of the farmers. And thus by recommendation of committee hurdles of farmers were removed.
Rajendra Babu was very much impressed by the greatness and intelligence of Gandhiji in Champaran. Since that day he became Gandhiji’s true and ardent follower. Later he also wrote a book—‘Gandhiji In Champaran’.

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