Racial harmony cannot be taken for granted. We need to make a conscious effort to maintain peace. This is very important as people of different races live side by side in housing estates and come into contact in daily life.
The starting point in racial harmony is tolerance. We must recognize that different racial groups have their own religion and culture. This will make it easier for us to accept others as they are and even to appreciate their beliefs and way of life. In fact, we can go one step further and learn about the religion and culture of other racial groups.
One sure way of achieving tolerance is to have a greater integration among people of different races. More opportunities must be created for the people to interact. For example, special events for multi-racial interaction could be organized on occasions such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Pusa and Deepawali.
Efforts towards integration, however, should start in school. Students from different racial backgrounds must be encouraged to mingle in places like the library and the canteen. When they study in groups, students should consider a racial mix. In addition, subjects that increase understanding among students of different races and religions could be included in the school curriculum.
I make it a point to spend time with students of other races, both in school and outside school. I also visit friends of other races during their festive occasions. This is my contribution to racial harmony.
Curriculum—course of study