The Internet, which transformed the world into a global village, has its roots of invention way back to the development of computers in 1950s. In 1973, the Internet was initially developed by Vinton Cerf, an American computer scientist as part of a project sponsored by the Department of Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States. In the 1982, the term Internet was conceptualized, when the Internet Protocol Suite was standardized leading to the birth of World Wide Web. In 1986, National Science Foundation provided access to the sites of Supercomputers in the United States to the research organizations. It was a result of the expansion Computer Science Network developed in 1981. Till now, the Internet was not commercialized and was a highly restricted resort. With the emergence of Commercial Internet service providers, in the late 80s and early 90s, this restriction abolished. This led to the decommi-ssioning of APRANET. With the decommissioning of NFSNET in the year 1995, the Internet became deregulated and restriction-free.