There are many people who think that television is a bad thing. As in the case with many things, television has its good points and its bad points. Some people think that one of the bad points about the television is the amount of violence that occurs in some of the programmes. They worry that this might have a bad effect on children, who might be tempted to copy some of these violent acts.
If children do react like that, it is not all the fault of the programme makers. Children are often allowed to watch programmes that are not really suitable for them. Parents should be more careful about what they let their children view.
Another disadvantage of television is that it has had a bad effect on people’s social habits. In many cases, television has replaced hobbies such as reading and chess and has even prevented family members from having conversations with each other. Often people even eat their meals in front of the television.
It is really unfair to blame television for this. People should limit their viewing to programmes that really makes their interest. They should not watch it all the time. Whatever the disadvantages of television, it has many advantages. Television provides us with a wide range of information that we would not have otherwise access to. We have a great many news programmes about what is going on in the rest of the world. This makes television a very important educational tool.
Television has a social advantage as well. It can stop people from feeling lonely. People who live alone and have few friends often find television a great comfort. There are good and bad things and bad things about television. The most important thing about it is that we should learn to use it sensibly.
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