Isaac soon became old and blind as well. He knew soon he would be dead. Before that, he wanted to bless his favorite son. So, he called Esau and asked to hunt for a game, and cook it in the way he would like to eat. Isaac was listening to this and soon called his son Jacob, and asked to do everything he ordered. The cooked some of the tasty food and asked him to wear Esau’s clothes and put on the goat’s hair. Soon, he went to his father and asked him to eat the food. Abraham wanted to check who he was, so he touched him and also smelled his clothes. After eating the food, he blessed him. Soon, Esau came back with the cooked food, and found what had happened. He was upset and asked his father to bless him as well. His father said that soon he would get rid of Jacob and become successful.
Isaac is Tricked