
Long ago, there lived an old couple who had no children. Every day, they prayed to God and begged for a child. Finally, the old woman gave birth to a child who was as small as the old man’s thumb. They called him Issunboushi. They brought him up with love and care. One day, he said to the old man and the old woman that he wanted to go to the city. They gave Issunboushi a sword made of small needles, a chopstick paddle and a bowl as his boat. He reached the city and found himself in front of a mansion. Before long, he became the guard of the Princess. Once, he and the Princess were attacked by an Oni (the devil) and the devil swallowed Issunboushi. He stabbed the insides of the devil’s stomach. Overcome with pain, the devil threw him out. Defeated, the devil fled away leaving behind his magical hammer. The Princess used the magical hammer to make him a full-grown, handsome warrior. They got married and lived happily ever after.

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